
Estate Planning Interviews

Greg O’Donnell Financial Hour, Money Matters Features Estate Planning Expert Kirsten Howe

Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Quick Succession of Death and How to Protect Your Family’s Future

“There is always legal work to be done when someone dies, it’s just a question of how much.”

— Kirsten Howe

In late December 2016, the world was rocked by the deaths of Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds, only a day apart. It’s unfortunate that the deaths of celebrities really set the stage for such topics of discussion, but they do bring up unique perspectives regarding large amounts of wealth, lack of planning and the circumstances of death – like Carrie and Debbie in such quick succession.

Greg O’Donnell, founder and CEO of O’Donnell Financial Group, and the host of the weekly talk radio show Money Matters on KSFO/KGO recognized the importance in the unique passing of these Hollywood icons and looked to Kirsten for her quick, practical and deep knowledge of trusts and estates.

As Kirsten mentioned on the show there is always legal work to be done when someone passes, its just a matter of how much. Without proper planning your family faces a long, expensive and emotional road ahead. An initial investment in the right counsel can save your family from that cumbersome journey keeping the perpetuation of your wealth all in the family.

Questions, comments, concerns or not sure where to start? Send us a message and sign-up for your free consultation!