078: Retirement and Renewal for Career Women

Retirement can be an intimidating subject to approach. You may be worrying that you’ve started too late, aren’t sure how much to put aside each month, or that there’s something you’re missing out on. This can be especially hard for women, as there is no template to follow for today’s retiring career women. If you think about it historically, in general terms, a man identifies as his career or whatever he did for a living. On the other hand, a woman identifies as a wife, mother, homemaker, etc. At some point, the man has to retire, right? But that role as wife, mother, and homemaker never really goes away.

In a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk Live, Kristen is joined by guest Helen Dennis, a nationally recognized leader on the issues of aging and retiring. She is an author, a speaker, a teacher and has helped over 25,000 employees prepare for the non-economic aspects of retirement. Together, they discuss the working woman and how to navigate the retirement transition. Some insights from this episode include:

  • How to cope and navigate a loss of structure following retirement
  • Understanding the non-economic aspects of retirement
  • Identifying ways to still feel empowered once stepping away from the workforce

And more!

Whether you’ve been considering retirement for a while or are brand new to the topic, this is an important episode with information that every working woman should know. So take a seat, settle in, and press play.

Big Three from Episode #078:

  1. “Renewment” comes from a cross between retirement and renewal. It highlights and explores how career women transition to retirement.
  2. Without role models or rules to follow, women are turning to each other and finding new pathways to find fulfillment in their next chapter of life.
  3. You too can join in Renewment either virtually through monthly roundtables or by starting your own group. For more information on getting started, visit www.Renewment.org.

Time-stamped Show Notes:

3:45 – Kristen opens up the show by jumping into a review on gender roles and how they impacted the way men and women identified themselves.

5:55 – Listen in as Helen shares the story behind ‘Renewment’ and how it came to be.

8:44 – Helen shares more about how her book, Project Renewment: The First Retirement Model for Career Women, was born.

11:30 – Start listening now to hear the most common question women have about retirement.

12:48 – Another hot topic of discussion? The age-old question of identity: who are you without your business card? Listen in for more!

13:18 – How much of your identity is wrapped up in your work life? Some women may be surprised by their answers.

16:25 – Wondering what happens in a Renewment meeting? Listen to Helen describe the ins and outs.

17:54 – Helen shares some more topics that come up during meetings.

19:38 – Start listening now to hear more from Helen on how the pandemic has changed Renewment meetings and helped the movement grow.

24:20 – Tune in to hear this episode’s Ask Kirsten question: “My children are technically adults, meaning over the age of 18, but I worry that if something happened to me, they would not be able to handle a large inheritance. What should I do?”

28:16 – Anonymity and intimacy: how video conferencing has changed the way Renewment meetings go.

28:40 – Renewment builds relationships. Tune in to discover how being part of Renewment helped a woman out of a sticky situation.

31:10 – Are the members of a renewal group all about the same age or stage of retirement?

31:56 – How many members do, or should a renewment group have?

32:28 – What kinds of issues have you seen people dealing with in their relationships with their spouses when they retire?

For the first time in history, a generation of working women is reaching retirement. While this is a milestone, many of the women who are a part of this movement are struggling with the transition to home life. With no role models to follow, how does a woman who has dedicated her life to her career continue to find fulfillment and growth in this new chapter? Project Renewment: The First Retirement Model for Career Women by Helen Dennis and co-author, Bernice Bratter, provides a framework of exploration for the highly skilled, educated, and successful woman facing retirement. If you’re looking for help confronting the challenges that lie ahead in this new chapter in life, this book offers the conversation, insight, and support you need.

Resources/Links Mentioned in this Episode:

  • ​To get in touch with Helen, please visit her at HelenDennis.com.
  • Project Renewment: The First Retirement Model for Career Women Paperback Can Be Found HERE on Amazon
  • If You’re Interested in Joining a Project Renewment Group, Visit https://www.Renewment.org/Groups/
  • Absolute Trust Counsel offers free guidebooks and resources, and YOU can find them HERE
  • We’re pleased to provide you with a library of e-books to address common estate planning questions and concerns in practical, easy-to-understand language. https://AbsoluteTrustCounsel.com/Resources/.
  • ​ASK KIRSTEN: If you’d like Kirsten to answer your question on the air, please email her at Info@AbsoluteTrustCounsel.com.

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Kirsten Howe: