009: See Something, Say Something – Elder Abuse

Absolute Trust Talk 009 Denise E-Blast Header-3Absolute Trust Talk 009 Denise E-Blast Header-3

In this episode of Absolute Trust Talk, Kirsten welcomes trust and estate litigator Denise E. Chambliss from Tri-Valley law firm Hoge, Fenton.

During their discussion, Denise and Kirsten hone in on the specifics of trust and estate litigation with an emphasis on elder abuse and undue influence. Kirsten highlights that elder abuse is an epidemic, it’s happening everywhere, and it’s often happening right under our noses. In response, Denise defines, characterizes, and zeros in on how best to defend those abused and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Top Three From Episode #009:

  1. If you suspect something in regard to elder abuse, say something.
  2. It’s not just happening with family members.
  3. Elder abuse is a crime.

Time-stamped Show Notes:

3:00 – Denise defines and characterizes elder abuse

6:23 – How does undue influence fit in?

7:55 – Elder abuse is considered these two types of crimes

8:45 – Family members aren’t the only ones who abuse the elderly

11:30 – How hard is it to prove elder abuse in court?

12:17 – How does decision making factor into a case?

14:00 – How does a No Contest Clause fit into the elder abuse arena?

16:07 – What would make a No Contest Clause more effective?

17:12 – How to avoid litigation

21:15 – Denise shares what other areas elder abuse can crop up in

Episode #009 Freebie: Discussion About The Dreaded No Contest Clause

Denise works hard as a trust and estate litigator to help protect and defend those who might not understand what’s happening to them anymore but also to educate and protect the trustees, executors, and beneficiaries who are involved. A big part of that is speaking out and educating others on the myriad of ever-changing laws in this field. One that has an impact on the issue of elder abuse is the No Contest Clause. It is an intriguing element to many people, yet they don’t know how to navigate it in order to use it to their best advantage. In a recent article authored by Denise, she details the history of and changes to the law, what became of the”Safe Harbor” provisions, and the best practices for an enforceable No Contest Clause combined with a disinheritance. This is essential information everyone should know when it comes to effective estate planning, and Denise is giving you exclusive access!

Click here to download the discussion!

Check out this episode!

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Kirsten Howe: