Take Action Today – Plan for All COVID-19 Outcomes

Do You Have a Plan That Would Enable a Trusted Family Member to Step in to Protect You from Predators?

It’s hard to believe we are living in such scary and uncertain times. Unfortunately, there are still those out there who are taking advantage of that for their financial benefit. The coronavirus has resulted in new twists on common scams that mainly affect seniors – the most vulnerable population.

It’s more difficult now, but more important than ever to stay connected, especially to our senior family members. Scams are much easier to pull off on someone who is isolated, as many older adults are, and especially if they experience cognitive decline as they age. These types of scams cost families millions of dollars every year. But there are things you can do now to protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones.

Join me for a special live edition of the Absolute Trust Talk Podcast as I discuss the importance of coronavirus estate planning to protect yourself and your family now. Don’t miss out on my tips to help ensure you get your $1,200 economic impact check ASAP.

For a Limited Time!

[AD] We know that people often procrastinate about doing an estate plan, but given our current climate, there is no more time. People get very sick, very quickly with COVID-19. Once you are hospitalized, you’re on your own – no visitors and no planning. Don’t let something like this happen to you. The time to protect yourself and your loved ones is NOW! Give us a call today to take advantage of our Coronavirus Shelter-in-Place offer. A complete, comprehensive estate plan including a trust, will, power of attorney, health care directive, and transfer of your residence. All of this for a special discounted of $2,500* for single persons and $2,950* for married couples. Your exhaustive estate plan will be ready in two weeks or, in an emergency, as soon as 24-hours. This offer only last until May 3, 2020. *Some additional charges may apply for business owners, those with multiple real estate properties, blended families, special needs families, etc. so click here to set up your free consultation today.

No matter what your circumstances are, the Absolute Trust Counsel team is here to help you in any way that we can. Please, stay safe and stay healthy.

If you’re someone who needs to include Medi-Cal planning in your estate plan, we can help. For more information on what Medi-Cal planning should look like, visit https://absolutetrustcounsel.com/practice-areas/medi-cal-planning/ for even more resources to help get you started.

Kirsten Howe: