082: A Unique Program for Veterans

As we age, the goal for many of us is to stay in our homes for as long as possible. Sure, we might need some help down the road, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, right? That sounds great in theory, but we don’t think about all the extra costs and the challenges we may face in obtaining home care. Often, calls are made to home care services with urgent requests for help, but knowing what benefits and aid might be available in advance can help you plan and even improve quality of life by avoiding urgent health care situations – this includes veterans and their families. In addition, our wartime heroes face a variety of even more unique health care needs as they age due to training and experiences on the battlefield.

In a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk, Absolute Trust Counsel attorney Madison Gunn guest hosts a conversation on benefits for vets and their unique aging journey with Carmen Perry. Carmen has more than 20 years of hands-on experience in the senior care industry. As the Vice President of National Accounts at Veterans Home Care, she works with VetAssist – a unique and exclusive program that “helps veterans or their surviving spouses apply for little-known Department of Veterans Affairs benefits to pay for assistance with daily living.  So, if you or someone you know is a veteran, this episode is for you. Tune in to hear about all the benefits that the VetAssist Program offers as well as some new technology that can help families care for seniors from a distance.

Big Three from Episode #082:

  1. If you think you might be eligible for the Aid and Attendance Benefit through Veterans Affairs, Veterans Home Care can help you confirm your eligibility and qualifications.
  2. Did you know? There is a significant difference between a Veteran Aid and Attendance pension and an income pension – Aid and Attendance is medical reimbursement.
  3. Home health is usually billed through healthcare and requires a medical professional, while home care does not and is generally billed privately.

Time-stamped Show Notes:

0:00 Introduction

1:05 Let’s get to know today’s guest! Madison introduces Carmen Perry of Veterans Home Care by briefly touching on her experience and professional background in senior care.

2:50 Listen in as Madison and Carmen discuss the three-phase qualification process required to be eligible for the Veteran Aid and Attendance (AA) Benefit. Hint, it includes the three Ms: Military Service, Medical Need, and the Money Situation.

4:00 Wondering how VetAssist helps clients qualify for Veterans Aid and Attendance? They direct the process by looking into various documents like military discharge papers, medical and financial records, etc., as well as filling out corresponding forms and allocating funding for home care, but that’s not all. Press play now for what you need to know.

5:00 There is a difference between Veterans Aid and Attendance pensions and income pensions. It can be costly to prove that a veteran qualifies for the AA benefit because they must prove they are paying out of pocket for medical care.

7:43 Caregivers are so hard to find these days. Even agencies are having trouble finding employees, so how does VetAssist manage this challenge? Start listening now as Carmen talks about their new Smart Companion System – think Alexa.

13:00 Carmen talks more about the benefits of VetAssist, including how they help veterans maintain compliance with the pension and continue to help clients even after the AA benefit is awarded.

13:41 Does this VA program require beneficiaries to reapply annually?

14:30 To contact with VetAssist, head to VeteransHomeCare.com as the easiest way to start the process and check out the eligibility checklist to speak to a specialist.

15:33 What is the average aid and attendance pension benefit? If awarded the AA benefit, a surviving spouse, a single veteran, and a married veteran will receive roughly $1300, $2000, and $2300 per month respectively for home care.

16:19 Start listening now as Carmen clarifies what VetAssist classifies as “home care.” Hint, there is a significant difference between home health and home care. Home Health is a service provided through a professional health care worker and generally billed through insurance; Home Care is considered nonskilled and is usually billed privately.

18:10 Home care is a legal process, so how does VetAssist help ensure compliance and secure the seniors’ safety?

Get in touch with Carmen!

Carmen Perry
Vice President of National Accounts
Direct Phone: 415.786.2096
Office Phone: 415.737.0862
Email: cperry@veteranshomecare.com

Resources/Links Mentioned in this Episode:

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Kirsten Howe: