Estate planning is not just for seniors. Ideally, as soon as you turn eighteen you should have some version of an estate plan because your parents are no longer automatically able to make decisions or act on your behalf. There are several reasons to create a power of attorney for finances once you turn eighteen. For example, the military helps…
The passage of the U.S. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (ABLE) enabled millions of disabled Americans to save money without losing means-based benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medi-Cal. Currently, anyone with more than $2,000 in countable assets is ineligible for most means-based programs. Prior to ABLE, it was impossible to save funds for larger…
Disabled California residents may now open savings accounts without jeopardizing means-based benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is a federal income supplement program that is funded by general tax revenues. Under that program, the aged, blind, and disabled with little or no income qualify for cash benefits to pay for housing, food, and clothing. However, to qualify for…
No one knows what will happen as they age. It’s almost impossible to predict the events that may have an impact, such as illness, disability, neurological impairments, or the need for long-term care. Impossible to predict, but not impossible to plan for. That’s why it’s important to hold age-related discussions with spouses, adult family members, trusted friends, and legal and…
If you are a health care worker or have a loved one who is, this episode is meant for you. Health care workers are very special and we all owe them our gratitude for the work they do. But it’s important that they not allow their instinct to help others to get in the way of helping themselves. Statistics are…
Do You Have a Plan That Would Enable a Trusted Family Member to Step in to Protect You from Predators? It’s hard to believe we are living in such scary and uncertain times. Unfortunately, there are still those out there who are taking advantage of that for their financial benefit. The coronavirus has resulted in new twists on common scams…
Yes, we are living in scary and uncertain times, but you can still take control. It might be challenging to see past today or even tomorrow, but what happens if you or a loved one is impacted by coronavirus? Will your loved ones be protected if something happens to you? Will you get the immediate support and care needed? If…
“What a mess,” Leona muttered as she picked through the contents of her deceased father’s garage. “How does one person collect all of this stuff?” She pulled a trunk out from under a pile of rags. “This looks interesting.” She jiggled the padlock that held it closed and it came off in her hand. “Geesh, so much for safeguarding the…
We all think that we can help our parents as they get older and even as they begin to lose capacity. This may be true, but if a parent with dementia can no longer be safe at home, is combative, or can no longer manage their finances or basic needs, what do you do? Many people rely on estate planning…
Elder abuse is a common topic and we hear frequent warnings about scams by caregivers, email and telephone scams, and even being taken advantage of by children or grandchildren. While marrying for money is not a new concept, it is quickly spreading into the area of elder abuse. Caregivers, or people wanting to get close to an elderly person with…