Imagine this scenario: your cousin, David, dies without an estate plan here in California. He had no children or further descendants. He has no living siblings, parents, grandparents, or aunts or uncles, but he does have you, his first cousin on his dad’s side. His only first cousin that you are aware of. You petition the court to open a…

History Heggstad petitions are named after the California court case, Estate of Heggstad. Mr. Heggstad created a living trust and identified the assets he wanted in the trust by filling out a schedule of assets attached to his trust. Unfortunately, Mr. Heggstad died before he could retitle those assets into the name of his trust. Wanting to avoid a full probate…

In Part I of this series on taxes, we discussed federal taxes, and in Part II, we discussed state taxes. For Part III, we will discuss local taxes in California and generally. In California, local taxes are typically handled through the county tax assessor/collector. We will specifically discuss property taxes and taxes on the transfers of property. Local Taxes: Property…

This seems like a simple question, right? My retirement goes to the person I listed as my beneficiary (spouse, kids, etc.). Most of the time this is true, yet we also get a fair share of people having to file a probate for an IRA or having to request the court to allow someone to set up a special needs…
The passage of the U.S. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (ABLE) enabled millions of disabled Americans to save money without losing means-based benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medi-Cal. Currently, anyone with more than $2,000 in countable assets is ineligible for most means-based programs. Prior to ABLE, it was impossible to save funds for larger…
Alicia stared at the statement that had been arrived in the mail. “This can’t be right,” she mumbled. “There is no way Dad’s Medicare premiums have doubled. And why has his monthly Social Security check been reduced?” She picked up her coffee mug and sipped. “I need to call someone.” She scanned the notice for a phone number and dialed.…