2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Drawbacks of Transfer on Death Deeds in California

Drawbacks of Transfer on Death Deeds in California

Transfer on Death (TOD) deeds gained legal recognition in 2016 as a means of transferring real property outside of probate in California. Since then, TOD deeds have emerged as a popular estate planning tool, offering a streamlined alternative to probate for transferring real estate assets. A TOD deed is a legal document that allows real property owners to designate beneficiaries…

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Common Issues that Arise in Administering a Trust that Holds Real Property: Part IV: How to Use Estate Planning to Avoid Real Estate Headaches

Common Issues that Arise in Administering a Trust that Holds Real  Property: Part IV: How to Use Estate Planning to Avoid Real Estate Headaches

Over the past few months, we have discussed three very common scenarios where real estate is involved in a trust administration and where beneficiaries may not agree or have different ideas of what to do with the real estate. Part I of this series tackled the common issue of one sibling wanting to keep the home as an investment property…

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