2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Reference Tools

The Absolute Trust Council team is pleased to provide a library of free checklists and reference guides to address the most common estate planning questions and concerns in practical, easy-to-understand language. We have authored each publication as part of our commitment to provide you with all of the tools you’ll need to educate yourself about the estate planning and make the planning process pleasant, convenient and efficient.

Reference Guide 1:

Checklist of Tasks to Complete After A Death

Our list of what to do when someone dies will help you get organized with ease during the hardest period of time. It’s yours FREE.

Reference Guide 2:

Probate Fee Calculator

Facing Probate? Learn how to calculate your personalized probate fees based on individual estate size.

Reference Guide 3:

Medi-Cal Resource Limits Handout

Do You Think You Have Too Many Assets to be Eligible for Medi-Cal? We Can Help. Download Our Free Tool to See Exactly How Your Assets Factor In.

Reference Guide 4:

How to Handle Firearms in an Estate

Are you an executor of an estate that includes a firearm? While they do require special consideration, it is possible to safely and legally transfer possession. Download your FREE copy of Stick to Your Guns: How to Handle Firearms in an Estate checklist to understand what the requirements are and to help get the process started. If you’re new or inexperienced with handling firearms, then you’ll definitely want to have this resource on hand.

Reference Guide 5:

Special Needs – Letter of Intent

As a parent of a child with special needs, you may want to consider drafting a Letter of Intent as a companion piece to a special needs trust. This document can be critical in ensuring that your trustees and caregivers understand your child’s interests, routines, abilities, and hopes, and wishes for their future and well being. Download our free Letter of Intent tool to help you get started.

Reference Guide 6:

Absolute Trust Talk Ep. 046 Guest Resource Guide: Paycheck Protection Program Phases & FAQs

For any business owner who’s taken a PPP Loan, you know just how challenging the application process was, and unfortunately, the forgiveness application isn’t any less daunting. We’re proud to present exclusive access to this free resource provided to us by Absolute Trust Talk guest, Ed Gines. Download this tool to help you understand the process more thoroughly.

Reference Guide 7:

A Guide When Writing Your Letter of Intent

As a parent, you want to make sure your child(ren) is well cared for if something were to happen to you. To help carry out your wishes and preferences regarding their future and well-being, a Letter of Intent can be a beneficial addition to your estate planning – especially for guardians and people making those decisions. But, as a supplementary document, how do you structure the letter? What should be included? Download our FREE Letter of Intent resource guide to help get you started.

Reference Guide 8:


What happens when a family member or loved one is in a skilled nursing rehabilitation facility after a stay in the hospital, and the facility tells you that your loved one has to leave next week? What if there is no plan for after discharge, or do you think discharge is too soon? Download a FREE copy of our Reference Guide that discusses involuntary or inappropriate discharge and the next steps you should take. 

Reference Guide 9:

 Prop. 19 Parent/Child Exclusion 

When Prop. 19 went into effect on February 16, 2021, it drastically changed the parent/child exclusion rules for reassessment, significantly impacting how parents will transfer their property to their children and how their estate plans are structured. Now that this Prop. has been around for a while, we finally have clarification on how it works. Download a FREE copy of our Reference Guide highlighting 12 items you need to know about Prop. 19 and how they could impact your estate plan. 

Reference Guide 10:

Your Trust Administration Guide

Trust administration is a long and detailed process requiring much more work than many people know or understand. And if you miss a step or make a mistake, you could be held liable. Download a copy of our Trust Administration Flyer for more information on our roadmapping session and how to get started.

Reference Guide 11:

 Medi-Cal Resources Fact Sheet: Medi-Cal for Nursing Home Care

At Absolute Trust Counsel, when we talk about Medi-Cal planning, we’re discussing developing a plan to ensure clients are eligible for Medi-Cal to help pay for nursing home care. What most people don’t realize is just how much nursing home care actually costs. By providing this guide, our goal is to help give you a quick birds eye view of Medi-Cal eligibility and how it may apply to you. Download a FREE copy now!

Reference Guide 12:

Successor Trustee Checklist

If you have been named as the successor trustee in someone’s trust, then this means that when the Settlor (the person who created the trust) is incapacitated or upon their death, you will become the custodian of the assets held within their trust. There are several requirements you must meet when administering a trust and this checklist will give you a brief overview in the event that the settlor dies. 

Questions, comments, concerns or not sure where to start? Send us a message and sign-up for your free consultation!

FREE On-Demand Webinar
Estate Planning Basics:
It's Not About What You Have,
It's About Being Prepared
Kirsten Howe
Join Session in Progress