We work with so many families who are struggling with dementia. Understanding how to deal with dementia is a growing problem in our society as the average age of our population continues to increase. We have all heard the statistic that 10,000 people become eligible for Medicare every day by turning 65. Every day. And caring for a family member with…

In 1987, President Reagan signed a ban on the use of drugs in nursing homes that were prescribed to chemically restrain patients, unless the medications are needed for that patient or other residents’ safety. However, in September 2021, the New York Times has reported that antipsychotic drugs were frequently used on dementia patients in the 2000s, notwithstanding the almost doubled…

Dementia is a prevalent disease in our society, our country, and throughout the world. Even though millions of Americans are living with dementia, families are often in the dark. They don’t understand the impact on their loved ones, and they don’t know what’s coming as the disease progresses. Why? Well, there are many reasons, but most people just don’t want…