Why Do I Have to Do a Probate When I Have a Trust? As an estate planning attorney, one of my least favorite conversations with a new client starts with me saying “I’m so sorry, but unfortunately, even though you have a trust, we are going to have to do a probate.” Clients are surprised to learn that this can…

The Importance of a Revocable Living Trust for the Sandwich Generation Financial planning can feel like a never-ending balancing act for members of the Sandwich Generation—those simultaneously caring for aging parents and supporting their children. This dual role can be incredibly demanding, both emotionally and financially. Financial resources can be stretched thin between paying for their children’s education, managing household…

Understanding the Corporate Transparency Act: A Guide for Estate Planning Clients The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), enacted as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, represents a significant shift in corporate regulatory compliance. As an estate planning attorney, it is crucial to ensure that my clients are aware of this legislation and understand how it may…

Transfer on Death (TOD) deeds gained legal recognition in 2016 as a means of transferring real property outside of probate in California. Since then, TOD deeds have emerged as a popular estate planning tool, offering a streamlined alternative to probate for transferring real estate assets. A TOD deed is a legal document that allows real property owners to designate beneficiaries…