Big Three from Episode #077: You have more control over the cognitive aging process than you think! Maintaining good cognitive function can save you money in retirement. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary and cognitive decline is a tough thing to think about, but if you’re worried or suspect you may have an issue, DON’T wait. Seek help right away! Time-stamped…

There has been an increase in scams involving people impersonating the government. Scammers say they are from the IRS, Medicare, Social Security Administration, and even the FBI. Most of these scams target seniors and pray on them using fear tactics or promises of big money. Here are a few examples and facts about the government to keep in mind to…

Big Three from Episode #076: If someone with special needs receives an unexpected inheritance that jeopardizes necessary benefits, there are solutions to help save them. If you are doing an estate plan, you should have what Kirsten calls a “just in case provision,” With special needs terms built in. You never know what could happen down the road. If you…

In 1987, President Reagan signed a ban on the use of drugs in nursing homes that were prescribed to chemically restrain patients, unless the medications are needed for that patient or other residents’ safety. However, in September 2021, the New York Times has reported that antipsychotic drugs were frequently used on dementia patients in the 2000s, notwithstanding the almost doubled…

A client recently asked about leaving property to his only child and wanted to know if he could add his child on title to his home rather than using a trust. The client wanted to use joint tenancy to avoid probate and smooth transition between parent and child. While my client was correct about avoiding probate and the smoother transition,…