2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Coronavirus Estate Planning

Yes, we are living in scary and uncertain times, but you can still take control. It might be challenging to see past today or even tomorrow, but what happens if you or a loved one is impacted by coronavirus? Will your loved ones be protected if something happens to you? Will you get the immediate support and care needed? If…

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Why You Should Name a Retirement Trust as Beneficiary (For IRAs, 401(k)s and Other Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts)

IRAs, 401(k)s and other tax-deferred retirement accounts allow your savings to grow tax-free until you retire. The year after you become age 70 ½, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts, and you will pay ordinary income taxes on all distributions. The rest of the money that stays in your account continues to grow tax-free until…

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