Alicia stared at the statement that had been arrived in the mail. “This can’t be right,” she mumbled. “There is no way Dad’s Medicare premiums have doubled. And why has his monthly Social Security check been reduced?” She picked up her coffee mug and sipped. “I need to call someone.” She scanned the notice for a phone number and dialed.…
It’s no secret that our most vulnerable population during this COVID-19 pandemic has been our seniors and older adults. They need extra protection and closer oversight because of the isolation they have been put in. The questions that remain include things like, “Who is there to make sure necessary care doesn’t fall through the cracks?” “How can I stay in…
No one knows what will happen as they age. It’s almost impossible to predict the events that may have an impact, such as illness, disability, neurological impairments, or the need for long-term care. Impossible to predict, but not impossible to plan for. That’s why it’s important to hold age-related discussions with spouses, adult family members, trusted friends, and legal and…