The passage of the U.S. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (ABLE) enabled millions of disabled Americans to save money without losing means-based benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medi-Cal. Currently, anyone with more than $2,000 in countable assets is ineligible for most means-based programs. Prior to ABLE, it was impossible to save funds for larger…
Alicia stared at the statement that had been arrived in the mail. “This can’t be right,” she mumbled. “There is no way Dad’s Medicare premiums have doubled. And why has his monthly Social Security check been reduced?” She picked up her coffee mug and sipped. “I need to call someone.” She scanned the notice for a phone number and dialed.…
Federal law mandates that you take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRAs by April 1st of 2020 if you turned 70-1/2 in 2019, or by April 1st of the year after you turn 72 (after 2019), thanks to the new SECURE Act passed in December of 2019. Each year after that age you must take your RMD by…
Lisa stared at the stranger standing on her doorstep, suspicious. “Good morning, ma’am,” the man said politely. “I noticed you’re in need of a new roof. If that’s not in your budget, I’d like to tell you about an important government program that will loan you the money. And they don’t even run a credit check. If you have some…
The U.S. Congress is attempting to help future retirees get their financial houses in order. The government is reacting to a recent study that claims only 51 percent of all Americans are employed by companies with retirement plans and of those employees, only 40 percent actually participate. In addition, experts say one in three Americans have less than $5,000 in…
Betsy slowly lowered herself into a kitchen chair and buried her head in her hands. Since her husband, Bill, had died three days ago, she had been swept up in a whirlwind of activity. Between planning a funeral, notifying relatives, and nonstop condolence calls, she hadn’t had any time to grieve, much less think. Her gaze swept the room and…
We all know that when we turn 65 we are covered by Medicare. But many people don’t know that coverage is not automatic. We actually have to sign up for it. And we have to sign up during a specific time period or risk a penalty. Below is a quick lesson on when and how to do it. WHEN: Some…
Finn slapped the pile of envelopes on the kitchen table and grunted at his wife, Lola. She peered at him over her coffee mug and gestured toward the pile. “What’s this?” “Credit card bills. For Mom and Dad.” Lola frowned. “How is that possible? We have responsibility for their financial affairs. We pay all of their bills. They live in…