2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Estate Planning and Capacity: Common Conditions that Can Mimic Dementia

Estate Planning and Capacity: Common Conditions that Can Mimic Dementia

When completing any estate planning, including a trust, will, power of attorney, or health care directive, the person signing the documents must have what is called “capacity” in order to sign the documents. There are two kinds of capacity in estate planning: testamentary capacity and contractual capacity. Testamentary capacity is a lower form of capacity and is required by a…

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038: COVID-19 + Elder Care: What You Need to Know

038: COVID-19 + Elder Care: What You Need to Know

It’s no secret that our most vulnerable population during this COVID-19 pandemic has been our seniors and older adults. They need extra protection and closer oversight because of the isolation they have been put in. The questions that remain include things like, “Who is there to make sure necessary care doesn’t fall through the cracks?” “How can I stay in…

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FREE On-Demand Webinar
Estate Planning Basics:
It's Not About What You Have,
It's About Being Prepared
Kirsten Howe
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