2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Issues with Probate – Part IV

Lost or Undiscovered Assets Pose Problems for the Administration of an Estate

When Jonathan Morgan was named the executor of his father’s estate, he thought he had an easy task ahead of him. After all, his father, Harold, had assured him that he had carefully listed every asset he owned on a sheet of notebook paper attached to his will.

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What is a QPRT? 

A Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT) is an estate-planning tool that allows individuals to retain the right to live in their home for a specified period of time while also providing for the eventual transfer of a home at a lower transfer tax rate. A grantor using the QPRT transfers title to a personal residence to the trust (either a…

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How Should I Hold Title to My Home

If you are a homeowner in California, you may not be aware that there are different ways to hold title to your home. ‘Title’ means how you own your real property and that phraseology can usually be found in the language on your deed.  How you hold title may have different legal effects while you are alive as well as…

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Frequently Asked Estate Planning Questions

Here are some of the more popular questions people have about wills and trusts and other estate planning documents.  Even people who already have their estate planning documents in order still wonder about these scenarios. Q: Should I Keep My Estate Planning Documents in a Safety Deposit Box? A: Yes – and no. You might keep an original of your…

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FREE On-Demand Webinar
Estate Planning Basics:
It's Not About What You Have,
It's About Being Prepared
Kirsten Howe
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