2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Common Issues That Arise in Administering a Trust That Holds Real Property: Part I

Common Issues That Arise in Administering a Trust That Holds Real Property: Part I

Real property is often the most complicated trust asset for trustees to manage. Trustees often want to do their best while also pleasing the beneficiaries, who are often their siblings or family members, and still follow the terms of the trust. This four-part series will discuss common scenarios in our trust administrations involving real estate. To begin this discussion, some…

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An App for Cremation?

An App for Cremation?

What if you could order a cremation for your loved one from their bedside? It would certainly avoid the need to research and find a funeral home. In addition, it avoids a visit to the funeral home and the potential for employees to try and upsell your every decision. For basic cremation with the delivery of cremains to your doorstep,…

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Can Medi-Cal Pay for Dementia Care?

Can Medi-Cal Pay for Dementia Care?

We work with so many families who are struggling with dementia. Understanding how to deal with dementia is a growing problem in our society as the average age of our population continues to increase. We have all heard the statistic that 10,000 people become eligible for Medicare every day by turning 65. Every day. And caring for a family member with…

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