Big Three from Episode #066: Have end-of-life decision-making conversations as early as possible with your families, doctors, attorneys, spiritual advisors–all-important parties involved. End-of-life decision-making is about what the patient truly wants. Hospice and palliative care are not “death panels.” In fact, they have been shown to provide a better quality of life for the patient and family members. Time-stamped Show…
Big Three from Episode #058: Parents can nominate someone for guardianship, but only the judge can appoint someone. As a parent, make sure your wishes are clearly expressed in your estate plan; otherwise, you will have absolutely no say in the matter. Choose potential guardians that you can trust to make sure things get done. Time-stamped Show Notes: 2:30 –…
Big Three from Episode #056: Don’t wait until it’s too late, start planning NOW! Treat your parents like your partner. Listen to what’s important to your parents. What do they want to happen? Time-stamped Show Notes: 5:43 – When is the right time for adult children to have conversations with their parents, and what is the best approach? 7:51 –…