2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Senior Living Options

Senior Living Options

As you and your loved ones age, you might wonder what are the available options for housing for seniors, and what is the right fit? The good news is that there are several broad options for senior housing and within each option is a spectrum of smaller options to best meet your needs. We will break each housing option down…

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062: Hiring Home Caregivers: Know the Law

062: Hiring Home Caregivers: Know the Law

Big Three from Episode #062: It’s important to understand wage orders and necessary laws. Know how you are utilizing your employee. Keep track of all work by maintaining accurate and labor code-compliant time records. Time-stamped Show Notes: 5:55 – What is a wage order? 9:04 – How does the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights fit together with wage orders? 13:04…

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