It’s no secret that our most vulnerable population during this COVID-19 pandemic has been our seniors and older adults. They need extra protection and closer oversight because of the isolation they have been put in. The questions that remain include things like, “Who is there to make sure necessary care doesn’t fall through the cracks?” “How can I stay in…

It’s almost surreal how COVID-19 has changed our daily lives, but even more so for those most vulnerable – our older and dependent adults. Unfortunately, those who need the most protection and care have nearly had it all taken away due to no visitation policies. Other than care staff and employees on the frontlines, who is ensuring proper care and…
If you have a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, you have already seen how a diagnosis can flip life as you know it upside down. It’s a long road and a lot of work to make sure loved ones with dementia are happy and well cared for. It is imperative to take steps to legally protect your loved…