Big Three from Episode #056: Don’t wait until it’s too late, start planning NOW! Treat your parents like your partner. Listen to what’s important to your parents. What do they want to happen? Time-stamped Show Notes: 5:43 – When is the right time for adult children to have conversations with their parents, and what is the best approach? 7:51 –…
Estate planning is not just for seniors. Ideally, as soon as you turn eighteen you should have some version of an estate plan because your parents are no longer automatically able to make decisions or act on your behalf. There are several reasons to create a power of attorney for finances once you turn eighteen. For example, the military helps…
It’s never too early to start planning for eldercare, whether for a relative, a spouse, or yourself. Generally, eldercare is separate and distinct from nursing home care. Nursing homes provide medical and personal care in a clinical setting. Eldercare offers personal care in a home-like or social setting. In California, there are three primary types of eldercare: Assisted living, home…
The passage of the U.S. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (ABLE) enabled millions of disabled Americans to save money without losing means-based benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medi-Cal. Currently, anyone with more than $2,000 in countable assets is ineligible for most means-based programs. Prior to ABLE, it was impossible to save funds for larger…
Disabled California residents may now open savings accounts without jeopardizing means-based benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is a federal income supplement program that is funded by general tax revenues. Under that program, the aged, blind, and disabled with little or no income qualify for cash benefits to pay for housing, food, and clothing. However, to qualify for…
It’s no secret that our most vulnerable population during this COVID-19 pandemic has been our seniors and older adults. They need extra protection and closer oversight because of the isolation they have been put in. The questions that remain include things like, “Who is there to make sure necessary care doesn’t fall through the cracks?” “How can I stay in…