2890 N. Main Street, Suite 206 • Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Filing For Divorce Complicates Everything

After years of marital discord, John and Angie Wakefield finally decided to call it quits.  John filed for divorce in California on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, asking for a fair and equitable division of community property, retention of all separate property, and shared custody of their two children. In her response, Angie not only requested child support, she sought…

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Scammers Use Crafty Schemes to Target Victims

It began on a sunny Saturday morning, when 70-year-old Sandra Johnson’s phone rang.

“Sandra, Sandra Johnson?” the caller asked.

“Yes, that’s me,” she responded.

“I’m pleased to inform you that you have won the Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, a grand prize of $1 million! Unfortunately, when we went to your address to deliver the check, no one was home. Before we go further, could you verify your address for me?”

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Issues with Probate – Part IV

Lost or Undiscovered Assets Pose Problems for the Administration of an Estate

When Jonathan Morgan was named the executor of his father’s estate, he thought he had an easy task ahead of him. After all, his father, Harold, had assured him that he had carefully listed every asset he owned on a sheet of notebook paper attached to his will.

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Worth Consideration: Corporate Trustees

A trustee of a trust must carry out the terms of the trust and safeguard trust assets for the beneficiaries’ benefit. A trustee can be one person, multiple people, or a corporate trustee such as a bank trust department or trust company with employees who help manage and grow the trust assets.  Whether or not you should appoint a corporate…

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Scams, Frauds and Charlatans

Once a person has created an estate plan, the object is to preserve it.  Unfortunately, for many seniors in particular, this can be a daunting task as the number of scams that target older Americans is increasing.  Just because your funds and home are in a trust, that doesn’t mean a predator cannot target you as you are still in…

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Frequently Asked Estate Planning Questions

Here are some of the more popular questions people have about wills and trusts and other estate planning documents.  Even people who already have their estate planning documents in order still wonder about these scenarios. Q: Should I Keep My Estate Planning Documents in a Safety Deposit Box? A: Yes – and no. You might keep an original of your…

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A Quick Explanation of Special Needs Trusts

Were you aware that there are about 75 million people in the United States with disabilities? That’s about 25% of the population!  Did you know that 53% of disabled people are over the age of 50?  The U.S. Census Bureau has labeled disabled Americans the country’s largest minority population. Consider this story from a recent New York Times article: According to…

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Family History of Debilitating Disease? Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

  If you are over the age of 50, chances are that someone in your family or friend has been struck by a debilitating disease.  Some of the most debilitating diseases in the U.S. include rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, muscular dystrophy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s and…

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FREE On-Demand Webinar
Estate Planning Basics:
It's Not About What You Have,
It's About Being Prepared
Kirsten Howe
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