This C.A.R. sponsored law creates a simple process for seniors or disabled homeowners to find information on how to apply for a parcel tax exemption. Existing law allows for the imposition of parcel taxes, which are special taxes assessed on individual pieces of property, to fund, among other things, education. Under current law, school districts may exempt seniors (65 years…
For many people, the proper care of beloved pets after their death is a significant concern. When clothing designer Karl Lagerfeld died recently, much was made about the fate of his long-time pet, a cat named Choupette. While Lagerfeld was alive, Choupette lived a lavish lifestyle. A team of maids were at her beck and call as she resided in…
Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted last year, the federal lifetime gift and estate tax exemption doubled. Every year the lifetime gift tax exemption and estate tax exemption amounts are adjusted for inflation. For 2019, the exemption increased to $11.4 million for individuals and $22.8 million for married couples. That means, for example, that estates valued at less…
Recent changes in how real estate and real estate transfers are taxed in some California communities could have a significant impact on your estate plan. A hefty surcharge for possession of certain types of vacant properties, as well as an increased tax on real estate transactions, may require changes to the timing and method for gifting or otherwise transferring property…
The California Department of Health Care Services recently announced new Medi-Cal resource numbers for 2019. In All County Welfare Directors Letter (ACWDL) 18-28 the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) was increased to $126,420 and the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA) was increased to $3,161 for 2019. The CSRA is the amount of non-exempt assets that the spouse of a…
“Retiring certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted,” Lily said as she shuffled through a pile of papers on her kitchen table. “I can’t believe all of this paperwork.” Her husband, George, scowled. “Why are you even messing with that stuff? We decided not to claim Social Security for a few more years so we can maximize the benefit. And you’re not…
There are so many ways for parents to leave inheritances to their children as you can imagine. These are a few of the common approaches that parents seems to like, each of which can be tailored to a given family. IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE MATURE ADULTS: Outright Distribution If your children are adults, and you have no concerns for their…
Are you turning up the volume on the television set or straining to hear conversations? You may be suffering from hearing loss. And that could impact your overall brain health. An estimated 48 million Americans suffer from hearing deficits. According to recent studies, those who permit hearing problems to go untreated are at greater risk of developing dementia and related…