Big Three from Episode #077: You have more control over the cognitive aging process than you think! Maintaining good cognitive function can save you money in retirement. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary and cognitive decline is a tough thing to think about, but if you’re worried or suspect you may have an issue, DON’T wait. Seek help right away! Time-stamped…
Big Three from Episode #067: If you’re including any type of real estate in your estate plan, it’s vital to discuss with your attorney and understand how Prop 19 can impact you and your loved ones. Make sure your children are included in the discussion and planning process. Do not panic. There are workarounds and ways to protect your assets…
Big Three from Episode #066: Have end-of-life decision-making conversations as early as possible with your families, doctors, attorneys, spiritual advisors–all-important parties involved. End-of-life decision-making is about what the patient truly wants. Hospice and palliative care are not “death panels.” In fact, they have been shown to provide a better quality of life for the patient and family members. Time-stamped Show…