A client recently asked about leaving property to his only child and wanted to know if he could add his child on title to his home rather than using a trust. The client wanted to use joint tenancy to avoid probate and smooth transition between parent and child. While my client was correct about avoiding probate and the smoother transition,…
A power of attorney is an essential part of a comprehensive estate plan. It is common to create your entire estate plan and only think about updating your will and trust as your thoughts on distributing your property may change. However, it is imperative to make sure that you keep other documents up to date as well. Specifically, it is…
As you and your loved ones age, you might wonder what are the available options for housing for seniors, and what is the right fit? The good news is that there are several broad options for senior housing and within each option is a spectrum of smaller options to best meet your needs. We will break each housing option down…
Big Three from Episode #067: If you’re including any type of real estate in your estate plan, it’s vital to discuss with your attorney and understand how Prop 19 can impact you and your loved ones. Make sure your children are included in the discussion and planning process. Do not panic. There are workarounds and ways to protect your assets…
Big Three from Episode #066: Have end-of-life decision-making conversations as early as possible with your families, doctors, attorneys, spiritual advisors–all-important parties involved. End-of-life decision-making is about what the patient truly wants. Hospice and palliative care are not “death panels.” In fact, they have been shown to provide a better quality of life for the patient and family members. Time-stamped Show…
Big Three from Episode #059: Elder mediation can help families reach agreements about legal, financial, and care planning for their aging loved ones and their estate. Even if you think a conflicting party will not agree to mediation, it’s worth getting in touch with a mediator to find ways to engage the parties in communication. The ultimate goal is to…